Need a place to host your equestrian event, run a clinic, or lesson with a horse? Except for poor weather, the rings and cross country courses are open 7 days a week. We request that all riders/trainers call a minimum of 24 hours in advance to ensure the footing is sound and someone will be on site. If you plan to school the water complexes, you MUST call in advance to ensure they're drained to an acceptable level.
Safety Comes First…
Safety is essential in all our programs. Helmets are mandatory for everyone under 18 at no additional charge. We provide experienced guides with riding instructions before departing on our memorable excursion. Helmets and vests are required for Cross Country.
Link to Waiver here.
WNAAA requires that all riders sign a waiver/release form EACH time using the facility (including yearly pass holders). There are two mailboxes with waiver copies and pens on-site for your convenience - one is located next to the black information board along the driveway, and the other is next to the gate leading onto the cross country course. You can also print a form here and bring it with you.
Riders MUST have supervision while jumping on WNAAA property (adults are welcome to ride in pairs; children under 18 must have an adult present). Trainers giving lessons/schoolings on WNAAA property MUST have appropriate professional liability insurance.
The closest spigot to the day parking area is located on the backside of the office.
WNAAA requests that all trucks/trailers park in the day parking area off 3224 Medlin Road. Passenger vehicles are welcome to park on the side of the road next to the cross country course or in the day parking area. If you choose to drive down to the boarding barn area to use the wash stalls, please continue down the driveway left, keeping the trailers on your right (DO NOT drive on the horse path between the two ponds. Please also refrain from going through the owners' private drive-the dogs have the right of way (horses and pedestrians are welcome to walk through.)
Single Day Yearly Pass (unlimited use of facility)
Use of SJ Dressage Rings $15 If purchased Feb. 1st - Apr. 30th $200 Family Price $300
Use of Cross Country Course $30 If purchased May 1st - July 31st $150 Family Price $250
Use of XC Course and All Rings $40 If purchased Aug. 1st - Oct. 31st $100 Family Price $200
If purchased Nov. 1st - Jan. 31st. $50 Family Price $100
Please contact Jeff for more information and pricing
Purchasing a yearly pass
A full facility rental, extreme cowboy course rental, and clinics
at 704-226-5406 or email.
If you require overnight stabling for horses in transit, hurricane evacuation relief, or short term temporary self board, we can help.