Boykin Ridge can help you reach your optimum grazing capacity on any size farm, Hobby Farm, Gentleman's Farm, equestrian, livestock, or any combination. From grazing rotation of different grasses to help with your natural fertilizer piles, we will lay out a plan for you, your animals within your budget. A healthy pasture supports lower feed and hay costs.
Give us a call today to learn how we can help. Call or text Jeff at 704-226-5406.

Boykin Ridge Farm Services
1126 Charlie Williams Road
Monroe, North Carolina 28112
Call or Text at (704) 226-5406
No till seed Drilling
Spraying/Weed Control
Manure Spreading
Skid Steer Work
Pasture Maintenance
Seeds Planted
Fescue All Types
Bermuda, TEFF and all Small Seed Grass
Annual Winter Rye
All Specialty Grasses; Bue, Orchard, Crab, etc